Thursday, December 26, 2019

Theses about Do People Have Free Will

Free will is the ability of agents to make choices free from certain kinds of constraints. According to the historical views, the constraint of dominant concern is the metaphysical constraint of determinism. The opposing positions within various debates are metaphysical libertarianism, the claim that determinism is not true and thus free will exists and hard determinism, the claim that determinism is true and thus that free will does not be there. These positions, which agree that causal determination is the relevant factor in the question of free will, are classed as incompatibility. Those who do not believe that determinism is relevant are classified as compatibilists, and offer several alternative explanations of what constraints are relevant, such as physical and mental constraints (e.g. imprisonment or chains), social constraints (e.g. censure or threat of punishment), and psychological constraints (e.g. phobias or compulsions).The principle of free will has scientific, ethical, and religious implications. For example, according to the religious realm, free will implies that individual choices and will can coexist with an omnipotent divinity. In other ethics, it may hold implications regarding whether individuals can be held morally fit for their actions. If time was not the way it appears, even though it is relative and subjective to other events, can we at least know that the past is gone, now is the present, and the future is coming?   This goes along with the discussion of free will vs. determinism- if time could be existing linearly (even if it is subjective and relative), then we cannot that say we have freedom.   If all time exists already and does not occur chronologically, then the future and past present are already there and how can we be said to have any freedom. If, as in Augustines version of time (p 239), God exists outside of time and we exist inside it, but this does not mean that everything has already happened, even if we seem to appear to be living through it chronologically.   It is very true that we cannot live if that is the case. We cannot possibly see into the future if all time is simultaneous. It is also impossible to see into the future if time is chronologically linear.   Moreover, we cannot both see into the future and change the future by acting differently than we predict. This is all explained under occult phenomena.   Philosophers and scientists seem to believe that time is not simultaneous, but naturally chronological.   The past is over, the present is now, and the future is almost to be determined. It looked carefully at any positivity of things outside the confines of scientific explanation. The Magazine called The Skeptical Inquirer’’, offers a large monetary reward to anyone proving any extra sensory phenomenon, and to date, no one has collected the cash.   It is quite possible, for those who insist that they have prevision of future events, that they are merely making very astute predictions based on all previous occurrences (p 300-308).   We may be aware of more than we believe to know, at a subconscious level, and at that subconscious level we may synoptically and critically compile huge amounts of input and have a predictive output of a highly likely future event. Most people do this a lot, and many times we are wrong, but when, once in a while, we are correct, we tend to cling to these correct predictions and see them as extrasensory/occult previsions of future events.   They may be nothing greater than complex critical thinking and logical prediction. We learn from history and become One Peaceful Worldwide Civilization. We are the culmination of the evolution of the fittest warriors and the genetic war winners, so it is an important battle to have the mental stamina to overcome our biologically driven violent tendencies and thoughts.   Chapter 5-1 indicates that we do have the possibility of learning some of the basic and more important lessons of history and, therefore, we do have a chance (maybe for the first time) to stave off the demise of a civilization and to break the pattern that most people objectively observed.   We would always need to (p 307-8) reject and realize the Us-Them mentality (that was once very helpful in survival but is not no longer necessary), stop being so xenophobic and actually aims at educating ourselves so we can learn to appreciate the major differences in other cultures. Other cultures have started as they are for a reason, and learning these reasons can help us accept them and see that we are moving to the end, not so different.   We also need to realize that if we were born in another culture, we would in all likelihood hold the views that the culture holds rather than the ones we hold right now, consequently because of being born here.   We have this particular arbitrary worldview simply because we happen to have been born into this context and not another.   Toleration of what does not harm us can end the us-them mindset.   We also need to consider the myth of race (page 338-40) as the false idea that it is. All of these things will definitely help us overcome and see past religious, social and political differences.   Rational people can and should want to do this.   So, we can learn much from history.   Whether we will or not is a very subjective viewpoint. However, if we do not, our culture, objectively speaking, is probably head ed for the same demise as every other civilization since the start of time. As said by Toynbee, the trend is for the next civilization to pick up the other best parts and resuscitate them into the civilization if we do die.   This might not be the worst thing in terms of the general history of civilizations in the world, but it doesnt seem so more from our perspective as we are the ones going down.   As we move to chapter 4-3 we are able to see some of the concepts about freedom and determinism. The hand that is dealt to us represents determinism; the way we play it is free will.   (p 256) As human beings we would love to see this idea talked about in discussion. Free will is a true philosophic topic that is not the same as freedom/liberation.   It is a question of whether we have free will over our actions or whether we are determined by a materialistic universe. Various free will debate usually comes down to the idea that we are free because we have something other than our material selves (like a soul or a mind- a la Cartesian duality) that is responsible for allowing us free choice. If we are just material, then the debate has been that we are subject to the physical laws of causality just like every other material thing, and that rules out free will and since the Big Bang have no control over what comes next. The similarity to a collaborative effort yielding something that is more than the sum of its parts would make our brains to become so complex that the collaborative efforts of the brain’s physical/chemical/neurological processes have created an end that is aware of itself (which is what self-awareness probably is). Likewise, these processes have led to our high level of rationality- the mental processes that occur have, in a way, surpassed themselves and can turn around and look at themselves critically. Self-awareness and rat ionality are both abilities we have which can evaluate the actual physical/chemical/neurological processes that created them. Similarly free will is another end result of these complex processes. Also, it is the ability of the physical/chemical/neurological (aka material brain processes) to actually affect the very thing that created them in the first place. Free will is a sum that is much greater than its component parts (the material processes) and which has surpassed the actual processes and is able to influence the very processes that made free will exist in the first place. Another very important idea that restated in other words is that just like a collaborative effort yields more than the sum of its parts, the brain (due to its complexity in chemical and neurological functioning) has yielded end results which are more than the sum of its parts- and we dub them: self-awareness, rationality, and free will. These end results have the ability to affect the very processes that create them. Physical processes, once complex enough, create ends that influence the beginning physical processes. In conclusion, the difficulty of these arguments for compatibilists lies in the fact that it entails the impossibility that one could have chosen other than one has. For example, if someone is a compatibilist and she has just sat down on the sofa, then she is justified to the claim that she could have remained standing, if she had so desired. But it follows from the result argument that, if he/she had remained standing, she would have come up with a contradiction, violated the laws of change or nature. References Schneider, K. Clinical Psychopathology. New York: Grune and Stratton. (1959). Weaver, D. The illusion of conscious will. Cambridge, MA: MIT. (1902).

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Should Smoking Tobacco Be Banned - 1875 Words

Topic: Smoking tobacco in cars General Purpose: To argue Specific Purpose: To argue that the state of Idaho should make smoking tobacco in cars while children are present illegal. Central Idea: Smoking tobacco in cars while children are inside the vehicle should be illegal in the state of Idaho because: (1) exposure to secondhand smoke is harmful to the health of children; (2) the intensity of exposure to second-hand smoke in vehicles is much more harmful; and (3) the child or children in the car are innocent and cannot defend themselves. Introduction I. [Attention Getter] Visualize that you are driving to work, to school or someplace and you see someone who is in the car next to you smoking. A. It is possible that you might not†¦show more content†¦a. A small amount of the states in the U.S.A. have prohibited smoking in vehicles while children are present. b. For example, states like Virginia, Vermont, Utah, Oregon, Main, California, Louisiana, and Arkansas have prohibited smoking in vehicles with minors (Smoke-free Cars). c. Another example is that in the state of Idaho, it is prohibited to smoke in restaurants, on public school grounds, and near health facilities (State Tobacco Cessation Coverage). 1. If Idaho and other states have passed the law that it is illegal to smoke in certain public places, then they should also pass the law of smoking tobacco in cars with minors. b. It should be prohibited because those children are innocent and do not deserve to have health complications caused by second-hand smoke. III. [Credibility Statement] As someone who is going into health care, although it is in dental hygiene this does not mean that I do not care for the health of others. A. Especially the health of those who are innocent and cannot defend themselves. B. Due to my interest in health care, I have taken my time to do my best in getting as much information that will back up my argument so that I may speak up for those who cannot defend themselves verbally. IV. [Preview/Thesis] Smoking tobacco in cars while children are inside the vehicleShow MoreRelatedShould Smoking Tobacco Be Banned?847 Words   |  4 PagesUniversity president MacDavis from a 2015 Ohio University â€Å"We will join more than 1,000 campuses nationwide who ban the use of tobacco on their campuses,†(Lee). And in order to make the campus area healthy and encourage the smoker’s to quit smoking, Ohio University decides to ban the smoking on any campus property. Beside of that, the University campus will follow Smoke and Tobacco-Free Initiative policy in August 2015. Therefore, the policy will impose by using a community model†. That means each memberRead MoreShould Cigarette Smoking Be Banned?899 Words   |  4 Pages Should Cigarette Smoking Be Banned Whether or not cigarette smoking should be banned completely, has become an object of controversy in many countries. Should cigarette smoking be banned for everyone in the United States? Smoking tobacco products have been around for decades and in many different forms. According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States. Cigarette smoking causes more than 480,000 deathsRead MoreSmoking Tobacco Is The Leading Cause Of Death Worldwide880 Words   |  4 PagesSmoking is one of the leading causes of premature death worldwide. It affects the body by damaging major organs and arteries. People that smoke are often at a greater risk of having heart related and respiratory issues than nonsmokers. Tobacco products such as, snuff and chewing tobacco also contribute to similar health issues and risk. The idea of banning smoking and tobacco products is great because it could prevent millions of deaths yearly. There are many different negative side effectsRead MoreEssay about Smoking Should be Banned in All Public Places1133 Words   |  5 PagesSmoking Should be Banned in All Public Places Every year thousands of people die because of having cancer or other tobacco related illnesses due to smoking. Smoking is seen everywhere from our own television screens to even the world wide web; the internet. Tobacco is the substance that is in these cigarettes. These tobacco products are promoted through tobacco ads that are found almost everywhere you turn. They are in magazines, television screens, on the internetRead MoreShould Cigarettes Be Banned in the U.S.?1444 Words   |  6 Pages Tobacco has been around in the world for over 2.5 million years. It was not until a few hundred years ago when the tobacco industry decided to put these crops into use and conjure up tobacco products for the community. A popular tobacco product in society is cigarettes, as they are cheap and simple to use. As long as one is over eighteen, acquiring cigarettes is a straightforward process for a reasonable price, albeit the sin tax. It was not until recently when cigarettes became widely controversialRead MoreShould Cigarettes Be Banned in the U.S.?1400 Words   |  6 PagesShould Cigarettes Be Banned in the U.S.? Tobacco has been around in the world for over 2.5 million years. It was not until a few hundred years ago when the tobacco industry decided to put these crops into use and conjure up tobacco products for the community. A popular tobacco product in society is cigarettes, as they are cheap and simple to use. As long as one is over eighteen, acquiring cigarettes is a straightforward process for a reasonable price, albeit the sin tax. It was not until recentlyRead MoreShould Smoking Be Banned?895 Words   |  4 PagesPeople smoke all over the world. Smoking has been around for many decades. Controlling the usage of smoking depends on the smoker. Believe it or not, the government has a huge part on this. In some countries, smoking in public or enclosed areas is banned. In the United States, the owner of any public place has the right to put a â€Å"No Smoking Area† sign. Unfortunately even with these regulations, the smoker doesn’t realize how smoking can be harmful to the m and their surroundings; people are simplyRead MoreEssay about Cigarettes Should be Banned939 Words   |  4 PagesSmoking cigarettes is common among most adults in the United States, yet it is one of the most dangerous things you can do to yourself. Many people feel that smoking should be made illegal. The reason they may feel this way is because it is very harmful to your health and can lead to death. I strongly agree that cigarettes should be banned from being sold and produced because to me they’re considered a dangerous drug. The first reason that supports my claim of smoking cigarettes should be Read More Smoking should be banned all over the United States Essay1657 Words   |  7 Pages Smoking is an activity that has been around for many years for people to use and adapt into their lifestyle. It is a tool that many people use to help reduce the stresses of life and put them in a comfortable position that enables them to cope with the hectic lifestyle they are living. However, smoking has been scientifically proven to cause many types of cancer, the most common being lung cancer resulting in numerous deaths across the United States. According to BBC, Smoking is a greater causeRead MoreTobacco Product Should Be Banned1413 Words   |  6 PagesTobacco Product should be banned According to World health organization –WHO (2014), tobacco keeps on killing 6,000,000 every year globally. Tobacco practice has been going on from ancient times. In ancient time, tobacco was used for smoking and chewing just as it today. But, now it’s time to stop this practice. Because today not only people are dying due to consumption of tobacco products, but also they are suffering from very serious diseases caused by it. Besides it is also carry great risk and

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Future America free essay sample

To me, of the many flaws hindering the United States today, the one that stands above the rest is the slow drifting away from the values of faith, family, work, neighborhood, peace, and freedom that America was founded upon. We will write a custom essay sample on The Future America or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The United States was founded as a country of peace, equality, justice, faith, opportunity, courage, determination, hard work, and morality, ruled by the people, for the people, for the people, united together as a community, members of the same body, all dictated under the leadership and guidance of God, His teachings, and His Word. Although modern America, through vanity, consumerism, twisted views of acceptance, ignorance, and a decreasing interest in morality, seems to slowly drift away from these values. Although modernization has benefited the daily lives of every American citizen, there is no doubt that with developments in the fields of entertainment, pop culture, sports, fashion, technology, and self-indulgence, the United States has drifted gradually away from the traditional views in which it was founded upon. Celebrities such as athletes and musicians, for the most part, serve as negative moral examples to the youth of America, and moral boundaries are being pushed back more and more every day. Explicitive language has become an everyday occurrence, and sex has not only become easily accessible, but something that is discussed lightly, as a casual way of pleasuring oneself. With the pace at which our country’s moral values have declined, it would not surprise me if eventually, within the next hundred years, the United States would stoop to such a low level of social and political integrity, that the Christian based values that once served as the anchor to our culture will soon be forgotten. We can only hope that through courage, motivation, and faith, our country will pull through its darkest days.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Racism Essay free essay sample

Deadly Unna and Racial prejudice. ‘Deadly Unna? ’ tells a story about a teenage boy named Gary Black (also known as Blacky), who develops knowledge about racial prejudice in his town. He develops this awareness because of an aboriginal boy, Dumby Red and his sister Clarence. The novel shows us what actions he takes to deal with his feelings about this racism such as; attending Dumby Reds funeral even though he knew people didn’t approve, sticking up for his beliefs with the aboriginals and he also cleaned the graffiti (BOONGS PISS OFF) off the shed at the jetty. Gary’s town is small and his community has lots of views and values about the aboriginal population. They are very critical and cruel when it comes to racism. The only relation the town has with the aboriginals of the Point is football, though the racial prejudice is still obvious. The town and the aborigines have a combined football team, as alone the people of the Port do not have enough players to make up a full team. We will write a custom essay sample on Racism Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When the new group of aboriginals start to play footy, Blacky meets Dumby Red. Dumby is a great footballer, good at everything in fact, but Blacky pretends he doesn’t like him, mainly because Dumby is better than him at football. The fact that Dumby is an aboriginal it is hard for Blacky to comprehend this. He becomes very envious of Dumby Red. When Dumby stands up for Blacky against Mad Dog you can tell that he’s proud of being friends with Dumby. When it came to the award ceremony Blacky was traumatized to hear that the McRae medal had been won by Mark Arks, Blacky couldn’t grope the fact that his town could go this far and yet be so racist. Blacky then became really angry, remembering how Dumby had contributed so much to the team all season. He’d been a true team player and everyone could see that he was the most valuable player (MVP), but no one would admit it. Later on in the book Blacky stands up for himself, and his beliefs against his father, which was something he’d never done before. The town makes up jokes in the front bar about the aborigines, which aren’t true. They also say that aborigines don’t put oil or water in their cars, which isn’t true either. When Blacky finds out about Dumby’s funeral he does everything he can to be there. No one approves of this and even his mother makes out that she doesn’t really support him going, but you can tell she is proud of him. Blacky’s thoughts about racism prejudice in the town are confirmed after the football presentation. Even though he knew his father would probably kill him, Blacky still stood up for himself and his beliefs

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

How to Be an Author 5 Personality Characteristics to Nurture

How to Be an Author 5 Personality Characteristics to Nurture How to Be an Author: 5 Personality Characteristics You Want to Nurture Becoming a new author requires a unique fortitude and strength of character.Writing a book forces you to plan, write, and edit between 50,000 to 100,000 words!It also requires working with an editor, a publisher (or self-publishing), a design team, and developing a book launch strategy  to get readers to see your upcoming bestseller on Amazon. This amount of work can feel overwhelming and can easily crush your confidence.But what makes new authors become bestsellers like Stephen King comes down to one factor: hard work.Writing takes tremendous effort, but more importantly, requires a strong mindset. Having coached and taught so many successful writers ourselves, we’ve studied and compiled all of their strongest personal qualities that you can adopt and apply to your life to become an author.This guide covers how to:Exercise PatienceApply ConsistencyPractice OptimismValue CriticismBe EmpatheticLet’s reveal how these qualities can shape you to become a published author. 1. Exercise PatienceWriting a book is not an overnight process. It takes a lot of time! Part of learning how to be a professional writer means that you have to cultivate not only discipline and focus, but patience.The good news is that patience is something that can be developed with practice. Suzannah Windsor Freeman, author of The Busy Mom’s Guide to Writing, discovered that infinite patience was the key to her success.Freeman also famously said, â€Å"If your dream were to be a concert pianist, you wouldn’t expect to sit down and just play. You’d take lessons for many years, practice every day, and sacrifice a great deal in order to achieve that dream. So, why do we expect ourselves to be able to write well without the same level of commitment and patience?† Her words advocate that the more time you spend practicing your craft with patience, the better writer you will become.Action Plan:  Cultivate patience by practicing your craft everyday. Whether its creative writing or creating short stories, experiment with any form of writing to improve your skills and develop great ideas.2. Apply ConsistencyTo become a professional writer, you must treat writing like a serious job. This means that you must commit to a consistent schedule and adhere to a writing process in order to develop good habits and not waste time.Consider the following strategies to make yourself more consistent as you start the writing process:Emulate the â€Å"Calendar Strategy.†Ã‚  With a calendar, mark an X for each day you write and make it a goal to not break the chain.Find your creative space.  Find and create your own space where you’re most comfortable and creative. Whether its your office, a coffee shop, or even your kitchen, use it as your place to write everyday.Create a writing schedule. Writing at the same time everyday will develop a consistent writing habit. Consistent writing actually creates a muscle memory, triggering your brain t o turn on creativity when you sit down to write.For more writing strategies, check out our guide on 7 Strategies to Start Writing Your Book Today.Action Plan:  Experiment with these methods to optimize your writing process. Following a consistent plan will easily double your output and complete your book in no time.3. Practice OptimismPsychologists say  that practicing optimism  can help you be more productive and live a happier life. It can also help you  overcome inevitable pitfalls like writer’s block. The best part is, you can  train yourself to think more positively and take on even the worst  events that can negatively impact your life.Here are a few ways to practice optimism:Anticipate a positive outcome.  Our realities  reflect what we think, making our perception of reality the mirror of our thoughts. So having a positive attitude will always increase your  optimism,  even at your worst.Share your optimism with others. Optimism is a contagious att itude powerful enough to shift the momentum of any negative situation to a positive one. So share your   positivity with others and build that unshakable force to complete your goal.Remove all negativity.  Negativity will bring you down, and surrounding yourself with it will encourage more pessimistic thoughts and self-doubt. Avoid it at all cost.Action Plan:  In your writing process, come up with both negative and positive outcomes for any given situation. For each negative situation, try to look for positive outcomes and work towards turning it into a favorable result.4. Value CriticismNo matter how amazing your book is, there’s always someone who will harshly criticize your work. Instead of viewing it as a humiliating remark, learn to apply the feedback to your writing.Developing a thick skin is one the hardest things to do, and like many of the other characteristics, takes time to build.When writing your book, you can build resilience  to criticism by practicing t he following:Anticipate harsh edits and rearrangements across your entire book.Prepare to cut out your favorite paragraphs or sentences.Count on reading  plenty of negative reviews on Amazon, social media or by the press.Action Plan: Try to find positive feedback from every negative criticism or review on your book. Make it a goal to develop enough flexibility so that one day it will no longer bother you.5. Be EmpatheticKnow that by sharing your story, you’re helping someone else. Your unique experience will empathize with readers and they will draw strength from the words you wrote in your book.Here are two successful authors whose work has touched many readers:Professor Randy Pausch, author of The Last Lecture, was faced with a terminal illness at a young age. Rather than wallow and fade away, he used his last days to create his masterpiece. His book wasn’t about death, but rather short stories that advocated the importance of overcoming hurdles and capturing every moment you have to live for. His generosity to share his life resonated with readers as a tale of courage and inspiration to anyone facing similar adversities.Elizabeth Gilbert, bestselling author of Eat, Pray, Love,  wrote her memoir while going through a devastating divorce that left her full of anxiety and panic. She stressed the importance of discovering the best version of herself by leaving behind her previous life to set out to explore the different aspects of nature within food, travel, and love. Her painful story of loss and regrowth profoundly connected to readers so much that it eventually became a movie.Action Plan:  Make the effort to write down the biggest obstacles you’ve encountered and explain how you have dealt with them. You will be surprised to see how meaningful your story is to your readers.Adopting these characteristics  can mean the difference between seeing your name on the best-seller list and never publishing your first book. Applying these p ractices not only help you become a published author, but also a better person.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Examples of Physical Changes and Chemical Changes

Examples of Physical Changes and Chemical Changes Are you confused about the difference between chemical changes and physical changes and how to tell them apart? In a nutshell, a chemical change produces a new substance, while a physical change does not. A material may change shapes or forms while undergoing a physical change, but no chemical reactions occur and no new compounds are produced. Key Takeaways: Chemical and Physical Change Examples A chemical change results from a chemical reaction, while a physical change is when matter changes forms but not chemical identity.Examples of chemical changes are burning, cooking, rusting, and rotting.Examples of physical changes are boiling, melting, freezing, and shredding.Often, physical changes can be undone, if energy is input. The only way to reverse a chemical change is via another chemical reaction. Examples of Chemical Changes A new compound (product) results from a chemical change as the atoms rearrange themselves to form new chemical bonds. Burning woodSouring milkMixing acid and baseDigesting foodCooking an eggHeating sugar to form caramelBaking a cakeRusting of iron Examples of Physical Changes No new chemical species forms in a physical change. Changing the state of a pure substance between solid, liquid, and gas phases of matter are all physical changes since the identity of the matter does not change. Crumpling a sheet of aluminum foilMelting an ice cubeCasting silver in a moldBreaking a bottleBoiling waterEvaporating alcoholShredding paperSublimation of dry ice into carbon dioxide vapor How to Tell Whether Its a Physical or Chemical Change? Look for an indication that a chemical change occurred. Chemical reactions release or absorb heat or other energy or may produce a gas, odor, color or sound. If you dont see any of these indications, a physical change likely occurred. Be aware a physical change may produce a dramatic change in the appearance of a substance. This doesnt mean a chemical reaction occurred. In some cases, it may be hard to tell whether a chemical or physical change occurred. For example, when you dissolve sugar in water, a physical change occurs. The form of the sugar changes, but it remains the same chemically (sucrose molecules). However, when you dissolve the salt in water the salt dissociates into its ions (from NaCl into Na and Cl-) so a chemical change occurs. In both cases, a white solid dissolves into a clear liquid and in both cases, you can recover the starting material by removing the water, yet the processes are not the same. Learn More 10 Examples of Physical Changes10 Examples of Chemical ChangesChemical and Physical PropertiesUnderstanding Chemical and Physical Changes Source Zumdahl, Steven S. and Zumdahl, Susan A. (2000). Chemistry (5th Ed.). Houghton Mifflin. ISBN 0-395-98583-8.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

News Corp's Buyout of BSkyB Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

News Corp's Buyout of BSkyB - Essay Example It will be pertinent to take a note of Rupert Murdoch's British operations, which started a way back in 1969 when the Mirror group wanted to relinquish from its mid-market daily newspaper The Sun. It is precisely at this time when Murdoch acquired it and made it thumping success with the passage of time by selling three million copies per day. Murdoch's control on the print media of UK became more prominent when he acquired The Times and The Sunday Times from Canadian publisher. During the time Murdoch's UK based satellite network Sky television was making huge losses which compelled him to agree for a merger with British Satellite Broadcasting in 1990. The merged company came to be known as BSkyB which is now considered to be the most dominating company in the British pay-TV market. When seen in the above perspective, the news of proposed buyout of BSkyB by Murdoch’s News Corp has far-reaching implications as it may facilitate a near monopolistic control to Murdoch on print a nd electronic media of UK. The point to be noted here is that BBC and other competing media groups have raised their opposition to the deal. It is not surprising that Business Secretary Vince Cable had to bow down on public uproar and ask Ofcom to investigate the matter on the media plurality issues that may arise after this proposed takeover by News Corp. European Union’s antitrust competition regulator also plunged into action to investigate the matter on the grounds of competition. It will be worthwhile to go through some of the important developments that have taken place in the last few months regarding this complete control and take over issue of News Corp. (Prodhan, Georgina et al 2010) The European Commission The European Commission gave its report in the third week of December, 2010 approving the proposed acquisition of BSkyB by News Corporation. The commission in its report concluded that the said transaction of complete control of BSkyB by News Corp is not going to hinder the competition in the European Economic Area (EEA). Its findings were only restricted to the competition aspects and has nothing to do with the proposed investigation carried out by UK regulatory body on media plurality aspect to protect legitimate interest of British nationals. It is pertinent to note here that media plurality assessment and competition assessment are two different areas of investigation. The Competition assessment mainly focuses on whether consumer would be facing any hike in the pricing structures or any forced featureless offerings. On the other hand, the issues related to the media plurality are concerned with the role played by media in relation to the democratic fabric of the various institutions and further their capacity to influence them in their own interests, which may be in the long run detrimental to the health of country. The European Union’s antitrust commission’s main findings are listed as per the following. 1. BSkyB and News Corp are in competition with each other to a limited extent as they are active in different markets in the UK and the Ireland. 2. The commission is of the view that the proposed transaction is not likely to improve substantially BSkyB's existing share of the market in the supply of basic pay-TV channels. 3. Both the parties have a small combined market share in TV advertising hence not going to affect the balancing act in competition concerns. 4. The Commission also investigated the possibility of offering mixed bundles of subscriptions for its print and online versions along with satellite pay channels. The commission is of the view that it will not be possible for the vast majority of newspapers' on line editions are currently free of charge and this equation is not likely

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Property law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 3

Property law - Essay Example ie Plc and Target there would be both privity of contract1 and privity of estate2 between Leslie Plc and Target as they were the original lessor and lessee. By the action of Target assigning the lease to Ace the relationship between Leslie and Ace would only be on the basis of privity of estate as there is no contractual relationship between them. Similarly by Leslie selling the property to Rake there would be no privity of contract between Rake and Target or Rake and Ace3, only a privity of estate4. The further subletting of the lease by Ace to Simon creates neither privity of estate of privity of contract as there was no agreement with Rake to sublet the property. If Rake had agreed to the sublet then a privity of estate would have been created and Rake could enforce the repair covenant against Simon5. The differences that apply under privity of contract and privity of estate will affect the ability of Rake to enforce the covenant. Under a privity of contract all covenants bind6 whereas under privity of estate7 only the covenants which are regarded as typically part of the landlord and tenant relationship will be bound8. Privity of estate only affects the benefit and burden on the assignee and the landlord in respect of covenants that touch and concern the land9. Having established the relationship of the parties it is necessary to look as to whether the burden and benefit of the covenants can pass with the assignments. Looking first at the position of pre 1996 leases the general rule was that the original tenant could not pass the burden to the assignee. If the lease began prior to 1996 then the assignment of the tenancy would not absolve Target from the liability10 in accordance with the contract11. This would mean that Target would be bound by the covenants throughout the duration of the lease even though his interest has been assigned12. Covenants in leases are deemed to be made on behalf of the covenantor and his successors in title unless a contrary

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Three Events That Have Changed World History Essay Example for Free

Three Events That Have Changed World History Essay What three events, between 1500 and 1800, have changed the face of world history? Whenever we ask about historical change it is of primary importance that we first ask about the nature of history. What exactly do we mean by history? The preferred definition for the purpose of this essay comes from 20th century renowned historian, Marc Bloch; that is, that history essentially is the study of men in the past.[1]   Furthermore, that history is essentially a science of men and how their thoughts and actions affected the world around them. [2] Thus, when we address events that changed world history, we are not dealing with events per se, but the people behind the events. It is people who have changed history, and people who continue to do so this very day.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I propose that two individuals and one body of people could be argued to have changed the world within this three-hundred year span. I propose that Martin Luther, John Calvin, and the Founding Fathers of the New World could be argued as having such significance by their respective actions. Their actions should not be seen as instantaneous or immediate. Rather, they should be viewed organically. The actions such individuals took did not change the whole world all at once, but were, in their magnitude, significant enough to affect subsequent generations in nearly all aspects of life- religious, political, social and philosophical. Martin Luther   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Martin Luther was born in Eisleben, Germany in 1483 and died in the same town in 1546. The son of a hard-working coal-miner, Luther grew up in a world of uncertainty. Late medieval Europe consisted of corruption, disease, pestilence, and tyranny. The life-expectancy for the average male was about 50 years-old and the black-death claimed hundreds of lives across the continent. Meanwhile, the Church, a place often sought for refuge, only showed itself to be abusive. Clergy-men were often guilty of cheating others for land-rights. Bishops and monks were often found to be in adulterous affairs. From Luther’s own account, he mentions: â€Å"So too the bishops, priests, and monks are not holy, Christian people, for they do not believe in Christ, nor do they lead a holy life, but are rather the wicked and shameful people of the devil.†[3] And, arguably one of the worst forms of abuse came in the form of indulgences- promises offered by the Pope for a certain fee to relinquish the sins of the buyer or upon another by request to escape divine punishment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The abuse of indulgences would motivate Luther’s act of nailing 95 theses, or â€Å"arguments† upon the Castle Church door in Wittenberg. Roman clergy would travel throughout townships in Germany selling contracts to citizens known as â€Å"indulgences†. John Tetzel serves as one of the more well-known clergymen offering indulgences to people through charismatic and emotionally-driven speeches. When Luther learned that the Church was offering the forgiveness of sins at a price, regardless of how small or high, he was furious. He was prompted to act. It was the proper form of his day to bring ethical matters to public debate, hence the posting of the theses. But Luther had no expectation of the consequences that ensued from his posting of the theses. When the other people of Wittenberg became aware of Luther’s arguments they took it to the local print shop to make copies. Copies began to be distributed in droves and eventually Luther was esteemed as a sort of heroic rebel who challenged the Church’s authority.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In actuality, Luther’s 95 theses were not a challenge to the Roman Church, itself. Luther challenged the abuses of indulgences while claiming that forgiveness of sins and salvation should only be sought by sincere faith and repentance. But the popular-audience at the time saw Luther’s theses as a symbol of someone willing to stand-up to the tyrannical hierarchy of the Roman Church. The 95 theses would turn out to be a pulling of a thread later unraveling into the Reformation. And, this second Great Schism (the first being in 1054) would prove to change the face of civilization because the world would no longer be under the Church’s authority both in religious and secular life. [1] Marc Bloch, The Historian’s Craft. (New York: Vintage Books, 1953) pp.25-26 [2] Ibid. [3] Timothy Lull, ed., Martin Luther’s Basic Theological Writings. (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1989) p. 541

Friday, November 15, 2019

Cavemen :: History

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In early times, cavemen lacked useful tools to communicate and survive. Their early weapons were brittle and made it difficult to successfully hunt. They were always on the move, traveling to find food and shelter. Because of these things, groups of cavemen remained small. The caveman eventually overcame these problems and grew to be civilized. The caveman made many great advances throughout history.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Some fundamental things that cavemen discovered were fire, hunting weapons, tools, and a verbal language that was much more complex than their animal ancestors. The first discovery, fire, provided them with warmth and protection, light, and heat to cook things. The second, hunting weapons, were made mostly of flint and dulled easily. The third advance was tools. They had tools that helped them in hunting and farming. Because they now had tools for farming, they could remain more stationary than their ancestors. Their language, consisting of only syllables, allowed them to communicate with less hindrance than their predecessors.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The reason these advances were so great was that they provided them the â€Å"stepping stone† for becoming civilized. They could now remain in one location instead of being nomadic. The tools they had for farming allowed them to make agriculture worth the effort. It also gave them much free time to work on other things such as inventing the wheel. They also developed art, which shows us their higher level of thought.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The caveman's discoveries changed people’s way of life for years to come.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Choosing the Right Cell Phone Essay

Consumer Reports assert â€Å"cell phones are evolving to allow faster texting, Web surfing, GPS navigation, and social networking while keeping up with their day job—voice calling† (Consumer Reports, n.d.). When walking out the door this morning the average person picked up three things; a wallet or purse, their car keys, and their cell phone. The cell phone, though often taken for granted has become a form of life support to many. Before just rushing out to purchase the latest and greatest here is what consumers should know before purchasing their next cell phone. Take the time to prepare and review before going out to purchase a phone. Many often take the word of a salesman they do not even know to decide what is best for them or let a commercial convince them of what device and service they should choose. Picking the wrong cell phone and plan can cost a large amount of money. Everyone has probably made a purchase, and then gotten their next bill to find they were totally surprised. To begin the search for the perfect cell phone one should start with what type of phone he or she is looking for. Would a non-flip (candy bar style phone) or a traditional flip phone (clam shell) better suite their needs? Flip phones had been the choice for most throughout the years but candy bar phones are making a come back with touch screens such as Droids and iPhones. If the phone will be spending a lot of time in ones purse or pocket, one may want to consider a flip phone to avoid unnecessarily scratching the screen and random dialing. If one is looking for a PDA and fully functional QWERTY keypad then a candy bar phone would be the best choice. One should also decide if he or she prefers a touch screen, a standard keyboard, or a QWERTY keyboard when making the decision on they style of phone that is best for them. After deciding the style of phone next one should consider what technology they need in a phone. Do they need text, Internet, e-mail, GPS navigation, walkie-talkie, apps, international service, or just voice calling? There are so many options and possibilities that can make one feel overwhelmed during this process. This can be avoided by doing the proper research ahead of time. The fast pace of today makes email on the go a necessity for most. If needing e-mail one should not pick a phone that is not Internet ready, and may want to consider a full QWERTY keyboard for faster composing of e-mails. Another feature available is walkie-talkie if this is something that was of interest; he or she would want to make sure that is a feature the phone offers. The majority of phones can call out internationally, but if one needs to use the phone abroad he or she would want to check to make sure the phone is world compatible. If voice calling is all one needs it does not make much sense to buy a phone with all the extra bells and whistles. If apps are needed, one might choose an Android or an iPhone because these phones offer the largest selection of apps available. In figure 1.A, based on the latest and greatest technology out today, here is a list of the top three mobile phones. All three of these phones have full access to the Android Market, and are the same in price with a qualified upgrade or new customer pricing. Now that one has decided on the style of phone and what features are needed he or she will make one of the most important decisions in this process. Before deciding on a specific phone one must choose a network. In the past it was easier to choose a network/provider because only one company generally covered a certain area. Providers now have nation-wide networks, and the major companies Sprint, AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon cover almost all areas; making this decision a challenging one. When choosing the right service one should take advantage of the 30-day trial offers that most providers offer to new customers. With taking advantage of the trial one can use the phone in areas he or she would normally be in to make sure service is sufficient. This gives them the ability to make sure it will work in their home, office and see if there are any dead spots in their area. This will allow them to determine if this service provider will be beneficial for their needs before being held to a two and with some providers a three-year commitment. The 30-day trial also pertains to equipment, so if one is not happy with the phone he or she can take it back and try a different model. Say if they thought they could access Facebook, then during the trial realized the phone they have did not support web; it could be exchanged. Perhaps if camera was a big factor on deciding their phone, but when they take pictures they come out fuzzy and not clear; the 30-day trial gives them the freedom to change their mind. Once all these decisions have been made one must then choose his or her calling plan. When choosing a phone plan there are many factors to consider. How many minutes are very important. Chicago Tribune states â€Å"to figure how much talk time you will need, count the minutes you spend on your current phone in a typical month, then add 25 percent to 50 percent as a buffer to avoid hefty overage fees† (Choosing the right cell, 2007). Cell phone providers offer additional services for a set monthly cost. Without the correct information and consideration of what he or she may be using the phone for one could pay a per use fee for additional features he or she failed to have added. If text messaging is something that maybe used, it is far more cost effective to pay $15 per month; rather than $.20 per single text. With data there is also a pay per use charge of $.03 per kilobyte or a monthly data package ranging from $15 to $30. A data package is something that will be needed if one wants to use email, social networking, picture services, apps, and GPS navigation from the phone. Figure 2.A is a chart of some of the main things people are doing on their mobile phones. If the consumer plans to be using any of these features he or she would want to make sure they have the correct plan and features to avoid high bills.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Compare and Contrast to “Desiree’s Baby” by Kate Chopin and “Hills Like White Elephants” by Earnest Hemingway Essay

To some people a baby can be the best thing that ever happened to them, but then there are others who have decisions to make. They will go through an important stage in any relationship, the make it or break it stage. The two stories that I will be analyzing will be â€Å"Desiree’s Baby† by Kate Chopin and â€Å"Hills like White Elephants† by Earnest Hemingway. In both stories the characters found out how babies can be a deciding factor in a relationship, and that’s what I will be focusing on. In â€Å"Desiree’s Baby† the morale of the story is â€Å"we often get into trouble when we assume† (Mayer, Gary H.). The husband even though he claimed to have loved his wife rejected her in a time of need, the result of it he ends up losing his wife and son. When the husband found out that everything he knew about his wife was a lie, he forgot about everything he said and just abandoned his family, in the text it said, â€Å"He could give her one of the oldest and proudest names in Louisiana† (Paragraph 4, line 4). Read Also:  Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for Middle School Armand let judgment deter him from what’s really important which is even if he and Desiree did not last he should still be there for his child. Even though â€Å"Desiree’s Baby† dealt with race I look at it as a deciding moment in a relationship, especially if the couple is married to know that you are going to stay together. The baby wasn’t the reason why the couple didn’t make it but the baby was the start of why they didn’t work. In â€Å"Hills like White Elephants† it shows the struggle one couple faced with deciding whether or not they wanted to tackle parenthood. The couple, â€Å"the American† and â€Å"the girl† both are unsure of their fate. The American just wants to walk away and the girl just wants to make him happy, â€Å"American male protagonist dominates the meeker, weaker-sexed jig of her femaleness† (Busch, Frederick; 234). There are lots of people that the man still has the bigger role in the rel ationship, but in those relationships comes a lot of animosity to the companion later. In one part of the story the couple were going back and forth about whether or not they should go through with it and to end it off Jig decides that she will, â€Å"just do it†[ because she doesn’t care about herself]. Never in anybody’s time should you ever put someone else first before over yourself. Doing that just leads down a road of destruction, and then the fact that this whole conversation is about abortion they probably should just get rid of it because she could just end up alone. Jig sounds as if she has no will or fight in her so she probably shouldn’t take care of a child. The baby in this story played a  huge role for its future possible parents. The couple had to make a decision that if it were the wrong one could have broken them up, or made their relationship a happy one. Both â€Å"Desiree’s Baby† and â€Å"Hills like White Elephant† realized their mistakes and tried and wished they could have corrected them. Babies shouldn’t be left the burden on people lives but that’s where they are placed at times. But it just makes you think to times where it wasn’t a good time to have kids or the situations that these people were placed in that made their children a downfall and a burden instead of a gift or a miracle. Bibliography Busch, Frederick. â€Å"On Hills Like White Elephants.† Norton Anthology of Short Fiction. Ed. R. V. Cassill et al. 6th ed. New York: Norton, 2000. 761–62.  Mayer, Gary H. â€Å"A Matter of Behavior a Semantic Analysis of Five Kate Chopin Stories.† January 2010. 94-100 Rankin, Paul. â€Å"Hemingway’s Hills like White Elephants.† Hinds Community College. Heldref Publication

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Is The First Act Of Othello Needed

‘Q) What case would you argue for both of these opinions? 1) ‘Without act one the audience would never understand the evil of Iago or the shaky foundations of the relationship between Othello and Desdemona’ The play ‘Othello’ opens in the streets if Venice. Without these opening scenes I believe not only the structure of the play would be lost but also Shakespeare’s talent for immersing the audiences into the lives of his central characters. It is in these first few scenes that we are introduced to the scheming Iago, the over-trusting Rodrigo, the fair Desdemona and most importantly, Othello the tragic protagonist of the play. Shakespeare begins the play of Othello in the midst of an argument between Iago and Rodrigo. As the first characters that we are introduced to the audience become aware almost from the onset that not only are these characters important but the ‘thick lips’ that they discuss is also incredibly important. Shakespeare, in this opening scene is able to begin with a rush, but still provide, or imply, a lot of background information, this only keeps the audience interested in the play but also helps keep the pace. Even though predominantly Othello is a tragedy of love the opening scene does not begin with a direct introduction of the lovers. Instead, the play begins, and Desdemona and Othello are introduced, with a conversation between Iago, the villain of the play and Roderigo. I This opening conversation does much to depict the characters of Roderigo and Iago. Rodrigo is not very intelligent and is easily swindled out of money and actually trusts the sly Iago. Although wealthy, he is a weak and gullible man who is probably swindled often. On the other hand, Iago is pictured as a determined man who knows what he wants. He is also shown to be intelligent, with an excellent insight into human nature. He has no respect for Roderigo and simply uses him for monetary reasons. ... Free Essays on Is The First Act Of Othello Needed Free Essays on Is The First Act Of Othello Needed ‘Q) What case would you argue for both of these opinions? 1) ‘Without act one the audience would never understand the evil of Iago or the shaky foundations of the relationship between Othello and Desdemona’ The play ‘Othello’ opens in the streets if Venice. Without these opening scenes I believe not only the structure of the play would be lost but also Shakespeare’s talent for immersing the audiences into the lives of his central characters. It is in these first few scenes that we are introduced to the scheming Iago, the over-trusting Rodrigo, the fair Desdemona and most importantly, Othello the tragic protagonist of the play. Shakespeare begins the play of Othello in the midst of an argument between Iago and Rodrigo. As the first characters that we are introduced to the audience become aware almost from the onset that not only are these characters important but the ‘thick lips’ that they discuss is also incredibly important. Shakespeare, in this opening scene is able to begin with a rush, but still provide, or imply, a lot of background information, this only keeps the audience interested in the play but also helps keep the pace. Even though predominantly Othello is a tragedy of love the opening scene does not begin with a direct introduction of the lovers. Instead, the play begins, and Desdemona and Othello are introduced, with a conversation between Iago, the villain of the play and Roderigo. I This opening conversation does much to depict the characters of Roderigo and Iago. Rodrigo is not very intelligent and is easily swindled out of money and actually trusts the sly Iago. Although wealthy, he is a weak and gullible man who is probably swindled often. On the other hand, Iago is pictured as a determined man who knows what he wants. He is also shown to be intelligent, with an excellent insight into human nature. He has no respect for Roderigo and simply uses him for monetary reasons. ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

25 Weird, Witty, and Wonderful Language-Related Terms

25 Weird, Witty, and Wonderful Language-Related Terms Grammar nerds everywhere will appreciate these weird, witty, and wonderful terms used to describe language. Use them to amuse and perplex your friends and teachers.   Allegro speech: the deliberate misspelling, respelling, or non-standard alternative spelling of words (as in the Chick-fil-A slogan Eat Mor Chikin)Bicapitalization  (also known as  CamelCase, embedded caps, InterCaps,  and  midcaps): the use of a capital letter in the middle of a word or name- as in iMac or eBayClitic:   a word or part of a word thats structurally dependent on a neighboring word and cant stand on its own (such as the contracted nt in  cant)Diazeugma:  a sentence construction in which a single subject is accompanied by multiple verbs (as in the sentence Reality lives, loves, laughs, cries, shouts, gets angry, bleeds, and dies, sometimes all in the same instant)Dirimens copulatio:  a statement (or a series of statements) that balances one idea with a contrasting idea (as in Ben Franklins counsel not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment)Feghoot: an anecdote or short story that concludes with an elaborate pun Grawlix:  the series of typographical symbols (*!#*!) used in cartoons and comic strips to represent swear wordsHaplology:  a sound change involving the loss of a syllable when its next to a phonetically identical (or similar) syllable (such as the pronunciation of  probably  as probly)Hidden verb:  a noun-verb combination used in place of a single, more forceful verb (for example,  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹make an improvement  in place of  improve)  Malaphor:  a blend of two aphorisms, idioms, or clichà ©s (as in Thats the way the cookie bounces)Metanoia:  the act of self-correction in speech or writing (or to put that a better way, self-editing)Miranym:  a word thats midway in meaning between two opposite extremes (like the word translucent, which falls between transparent and opaque)Moses illusion:  the phenomenon whereby readers or listeners fail to recognize an inaccuracy in a textMountweazel:  a bogus entry deliberately inserted in a reference work as a safeguard ag ainst copyright infringementNegative-positive restatement:  a method of achieving emphasis by stating an idea twice, first in negative terms and then in positive terms (as when John Cleese said, Its not pining, its passed on. This parrot is no more!) Paralepsis:  the rhetorical strategy of emphasizing a point by  seeming  to pass over it (as when Dr. House remarked, I dont want to say anything bad about another doctor, especially one whos a useless drunk)Paraprosdokian:  an unexpected shift in meaning (often for comic effect) at the end of a sentence, stanza, or short passagePhrop:  a phrase (such as I dont like to boast . . .) that often means the opposite of what it saysPoliteness strategies:  speech acts that express concern for others and minimize threats to self-esteem in particular social contexts (for instance, Would you mind stepping aside?)Pseudoword:  a fake word- that is, a string of letters that resembles a real word (such as  cigbet  or  snepd) but doesnt actually exist in the language  RAS syndrome:  the redundant use of a word thats already included in an acronym or initialism (for example, PIN number)Restaurantese:   the specialized language (or jargon) used by restaurant employees and on menus (such as any item described as farm-fresh, succulent, or artisanal) Rhyming compound:  a compound word that contains rhyming elements, like fuddy duddy, pooper-scooper, and  voodooSluicing:  a type of ellipsis in which an interrogative element is understood as a complete question (as in My folks were fighting last week, but  I dont know what about)Word word:  a word or name thats repeated to distinguish it from a seemingly  identical word or name (Oh, youre talking about  grass  grass)

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Children and consumerism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Children and consumerism - Essay Example According to Schor and Henderson (2008), children can be viewed through different paradigms. On one hand, children can be viewed as the innocent, naà ¯ve, and vulnerable targets of well-informed marketers who have to be protected by legislation in order to save them from negative messages channeled through the mass media. Proponents of this view oppose all marketing messages that target children and support their physical and emotional regulation in the hands of adults. A different paradigm, that of the ‘empowered child’, supports the notion that children have authentic interpretations of what they want that should not be affected by adult interpretations (Scor and Henderson, 2008). Proponents of this paradigm, most of whom are marketers, contend that children today are far more developed than those of past eras in that they can easily identify lies in advertising messages. According to Pine and Nash (2003), children can easily identify advertisement breaks in their tod dler years through symbols such as sound effects or logos, which they link with the product. Moreover, they may not be able to differentiate between how they feel about the product being advertised and their attitude towards the product. The interpretation that the advertisement is actually trying to sell them a product may come in the pre-teen years of 11 or 12 years. While both researches have documented statistics on studies conducted into child advertising, their respondents do not represent all the nations that are affected by marketing content that targets children. Both of the researches documented by Pine and Nash (2003) and Schor and Henderson (2008) feature participants who come from nations such as Australia, America, Britain, and Scandinavian nations. They do not address upcoming market trends in nations like Turkey, China, Mexico, or India, in which marketers are increasingly targeting children with messages

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Gospel of Mark, Acts and Ephesians Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Gospel of Mark, Acts and Ephesians - Essay Example The Gospel of Mark is a historical narrative of the affairs and the person of Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, it cannot be called a biographical narrative. It says nothing about Jesus birth, childhood, family, and education. In Gospel of Mark, there is no attempt to describe any period of Jesus life in detail. It is almost a continuous series of episodes from the life of Christ. The last week of Jesus life is described in more detail. Mark’s approach is characterized by a special objectivity. In his narrative, there are no comments, and the events seem to say for themselves. There is no attempt to hide or exaggerate the supernatural aspects of Jesus life. Miracles performed by Jesus are always associated with the extreme need of any person (1:34, 1:41, 2:12, 3:10, 4:39, 5:29, 6:56, 7:30, 8:25, 9:27, 10:52, ). They are performed not in order to surprise the crowd, but in order to help people. The narrative is constructed as if Jesus is calmly and confidently moving towards His goal , making it clear that the outcome of his ministry will be a resurrection (8:31, 9:31, 10:34). Mark leaves the reader to decide him/herself whether Jesus is only a man. The main Mark’s goal is evangelism that is an attempt to introduce the person of Christ and His work as a new message - "Gospel" (in the truest sense of the word). Marks narration does not involve theological training and knowledge of the Old Testament. His short stories, apt comments, and aphorisms may be the characteristic of a preacher, addressing to a diverse street crowd. One cannot state that the Gospel of Mark is the sample of a literary style, however, it conveys the image of Christ with remarkable accuracy and power. Â  

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Effects of social media on the real estate industry Essay

Effects of social media on the real estate industry - Essay Example Social media also represents enormous changes perspective for businesses. For most individuals, buying a home is a thing done once after ten years at most. Selling of real estates is the kind of business benefiting from constant streams of new prospects (Crowston, K., & Wigand, 1999). Social media enables real estate agents to build the reputation of their business. This enables them in attracting new clients. Moreover, social media enables them in networking in the real estate industry (Wigand, 2003).Social media makes it easy to reach out to more individuals but it does not assure that these individuals will purchase from you (Huertas, 2012). A business needs to work on still setting up its social media framework. After doing so, the business needs to work more until it gets the needed results. Knowing how to use social media needs a period of engaging more on hands giving a business the idea of how social media can assist it in succeeding given the problems faced by the business.I n conclusion, social media has made it informal and quicker for real estate agents to connect with their clients. It has given them a way of engaging individuals in their precise area and allowing them to inform their clients.Additionally, social media helps real estate agents to constantly post new releases and engage daily by responding timeously to their clients and potential buyers. It is clearly seen that social media has enabled real estate agents to build good relationships with prospective home buyers.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Evolution vs Creationism Essay Example for Free

Evolution vs Creationism Essay Many people have their different opinions on how the world came to be. In some cases, people think that the world came to existence from what we call The Big Bang Theory, and others think it was The Almighty God that created the world. I will begin to explain what each is, the origin they came from and their evidence to support their own explanation of how the world was created. What is evolution? Well, evolution can be a difficult concept for people to come to terms with, especially if they do not have much experience with life sciences. Unfortunately, there are too many examples of people who do not understand any of it with many of these people tries to criticize evolution while promoting creationism. Evolution is not a minor matter; it is, in fact, the cornerstone of all modern biology. What is creationism? Like evolution, creationism can have more than one meaning. At its most basic, creationism is the belief that the universe was created by The Almighty God. In some cases, it even is stated that creationism is someone who believes in a god who is absolute creator of heaven and earth, out of nothing, by an act of free will. Many might say that the origins of the evolution came to terms that the universe, with all it contains (space, time, matter and energy) exploded from nothing which is considered The Big Bang, and is the accepted theory among the majority of evolutionists. Evolution is a very unique â€Å"science.† Unlike the origin of creationism, were people believe that it came from The Almighty God. This generally means the taking of the Bible, particularly the early chapters of Genesis, as literally true guides to the history of the universe and to the history of life, including us humans, down here on earth. In a way, creationism is more of a restricted sense of a variety of beliefs that people have in this century and previous ones as well. The evidence that support these findings is very different in many aspects. People say that with evolution, the evidence is very visible. For example, there is biochemical evidence, genetic evidence, and also fossil evidence for how evolution came about. But in creationism, there isn’t any evidence to support it whatsoever. Understanding evolution over creationism is greatly aided by a better understanding of what kinds of evidence exist out there as well as how and why all the evidence clearly supports evolutionary theory but not creationist religion.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Science: Friend or Foe? Essays -- Argumentative Persuasive Scientific

Science: Friend or Foe? Science, a field of study featuring a relentless stream of change and advancements, is widely viewed as both the scourge and savior of the modern world. It is true that science offers solutions to many problems, suggesting greater convenience, technological improvement, and longer, healthier lives. Still, science is far from perfect, a point that many critics are eager to vocalize. Science has been blamed for invoking fear, reaching inadequate results, and supporting the most immoral of studies. Clearly, the opinions and perceptions that people have toward science play the largest part in this complex love-hate relationship. Mary Shelley and J. Michael Bishop have a tremendous amount to say about this conflict amongst people, and they furthermore predict where science will take the world in the future. Society cannot escape from its dependence upon science. It is worth noticing that nearly every aspect of an individual's life is affected by science in some form or another. The technology people utilize, the hospitals they attend, and the lives they lead are immersed with scientific findings, advancements, and mastery. Most individuals gladly accept these various advancements to their lives; appreciating their convenience and usefulness, society does not consistently look down upon the fruit which science has born. Regardless of these facts, the reputation of science in today's world is not one of flagrant and unrelenting praise (237). In fact, science has been referred to with many angry expressions, including "socially constructed fictions" and "useful myths" (238). The question must be asked, then, as to why science has been the target of severe scrutiny. J. Michael Bishop, leading a ... ...e to aspire (234). Shelley's Frankenstein is indeed a reminder; her tale suggests that the ends must justify the means, and furthermore that the ends must be wanted in the first place. In a world where scientific advancement seems inevitable and happens everyday, it is clear that there will be no clean end to this complex argument any time soon. The best strategy is to both recognize the good and the bad, the successes and failures, and hope that people's hearts guide them towards the right answers to life's most difficult moral questions. Works Cited Bishop, J. Michael. "Enemies of Promise." The Presence of Others. Andrea A. Lunsford, John J. Ruszkiewicz. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2000. 237-242. Shelley, Mary. "Frankenstein." The Presence of Others. Andrea A. Lunsford, John J. Ruszkiewicz. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2000. 231-235.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Essay on an Analysis of Horror Movies Essay

Horror has been a long time one of the most popular categories of films in the movie industry. People liked to watch horror films to be afraid and to outdo their fears: â€Å"On a psychological level, the horror film dramatizes our nightmares, so that we can confront them† (Sigmund Freud, p.644). Gradually, because horror films became too repetitive and too numerous, people got used to watching them and were no longer terrified. Even if horror films do not scare us, why do we continue to watch them? The reason is very simple: horrors films became so unrealistic, so ridiculous and, in return, very funny to watch. Firstly, this essay will focus on how the serial killer (the bad guy) is ridiculous by his invulnerability, due to his power. Secondly, it will focus on how the characters are ludicrous, silly by their stupidity and on the setting which is over-exaggerated. To conclude, it will be shown how the female portrait is so demeaning, unrealistic and absurd. Examples from horr or films Nightmare on Elm Street 3, Friday the 13th (Part 8) and Freddy VS Jason will be used to prove these points. First of all, the serial killer (bad guy) in horror films is most of the time very powerful, very strong and seems invulnerable to injuries from their victims. For example, in a scene from Friday the 13th (Part 8), a young black teenager tries to escape from Jason by going on the roof of a building. Of course Jason finds him and, seeing that he is trapped, the young boy decides to fight Jason with his fists. He incessantly punches Jason, yet the serial killer does not seem affected. Tired, the boy stops to hit and Jason punches his head causing it to fall off and fly through the air. It is funny to see this absurd scene which is impossible to do in the real life. â€Å"The horror film offers to see all kinds of frightening events, to feel something of the same fear and terror as the characters on the screen, [†¦]† (Ira Konigsberg, p.469). There is nothing frightening in this idealistic scene because the killer is too strong, too ridiculous and people will laugh. Another example of ridiculous killers is Freddy Krooger. â€Å"Freddy is most like a comic book superhero – aggressive, resourceful, and unbeatable – he gets what he wants. Freddy says, â€Å"I am eternal,† and he can become anything he wants: a bathroom, a puppet, a showerhead, a motorcycle, a diving board, a huge snake, a cartoon character, and so on. His identity is one of absolute power. [†¦]Stalkers like Freddy, Jason, [†¦] cannot be  stopped.†(Gary Heba, p.106) In short, the evil character (Jason, Freddy, etc.) in horror films are always ridiculous and funny to watch because they are too powerful, too strong and too invulnerable. Also, the characters and the settings are other elements which make horror films so hilarious. Most of the time, the characters have stupid reactions while dealing with the murderer. By example, in a scene of Freddy VS Jason, a girl teen escapes from Freddy in her dreams. She enters in a big room and hides herself in a locker thinking that Freddy will not find her. She is so noisy that Freddy easily finds her and kills her. Everything seems to occur by chances in horror films but is calculated in reality. For example, in Friday the 13th (Part 8), a young woman escapes from Jason in the woods, falls and finds a knife on the ground that she picks up to defend herself. The chances that it happens in the real life are very minimal. In a few words, the characters are often unrealistic by the way they act and the setting is too calculated. These things make horror films out of reach and very witty. Another factor that makes the horror film so unrealistic and not scary is the female portrait. In horror movies, most of the ladies are very hot and are often naked. Women are perceived as sexual objects because they are usually used in sexual scenes to attract the attention of the male audience. The girls seem to have all their assets in their body and none in their head. Generally, the slaughterer in horror films is a male and most of the victims are young women. â€Å"Critic and researchers have claimed that movies such as Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, [†¦] feature acts of extreme violence [†¦], women singled out for injury and death [†¦] and scenes of explicit violence juxtaposed with sexual or erotic female images. It has been argued that females are more frequently the targets of violence in slasher films.†(Barry S Sapolsky, p.28). For example, in the Friday the 13th (Part 8), there is a couple who are having sex in a boat. Quietly Jason goes aboard the boat, picks up a harpoon gun and goes in the bedroom where the couple is. Quickly he harpoons the couple who was copulating. To sum up, the female portrait is very demeaning in horror films and it makes these films very absurd, improbable, unintelligent and very comical to watch because the  women would never act as ridiculously in real life. To sum up, people like and continue to watch horror films because they are ridiculous, unrealistic and very funny in return. Many factors make these films like that: the serial killers who are always too powerful, too strong and too invincible (like Jason Voorhees and Freddy Krooger); the characters who act so stupidly and the setting that is so improbable; and the female portrait which is very demeaning because the women are perceived most of the time as sexual objects; most of the women are not like that in the real life. Maybe one day the movie industry will understand that people want to be scared when they go to watch a horror film and not to burst out in laughter.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Snickers Chocolate’s Global Share

Global Candy Sales | | |Market Share |$ Sales in Millions | |Brand |Company |2011 |2012 |2011 |2012* | |Snickers |Mars Inc |1. 7 |1. 8 |$3,286 |$3,572 | |M&M's |Mars Inc |1. 8 |1. |$3,380 |$3,494 | |Trident |Kraft Foods Inc |1. 8 |1. 7 |$3,354 |$3,321 | |Reese's |Hershey Co, The |1. 3 |1. 4 |$2,553 |$2,679 | |Galaxy/Dove |Mars Inc |1. 3 |1. 3 |$2,407 |$2,597 | |Milka |Kraft Foods Inc |1. 3 |1. |$2,530 |$2,510 | |Cadbury Dairy Milk |Kraft Foods Inc |1. 3 |1. 3 |$2,414 |$2,506 | |Orbit |Mars Inc |1. 3 |1. 3 |$2,441 |$2,501 | |Extra |Mars Inc |1. 1 |1. 2 |$2,115 |$2,231 | |Kit Kat |Nestle SA |1. 0 |1. |$1,933 |$1,979 | |Mentos |Perfetti Van Melle Group |0. 9 |0. 9 |$1,649 |$1,711 | U. S. Candy Sales | | |Market Share |$ Sales in Millions | |Brand |Company |2011 |2012 |2011 |2012* | |Reese's |Hershey Co, The |7. |7. 7 |$2,479 |$2,603 | |M's |Mars Inc |6. 8 |6. 8 |$2,238 |$2,300 | |Snickers |Mars Inc |5. 5 |6. 0 |$1,815 |$2,020 | |Kit Kat |Hershey Co, The |2. 8 |2. 8 |$917 |$948 | |Twizzl ers |Hershey Co, The |2. 3 |2. |$746 |$801 | |Trident |Kraft Foods Inc |2. 2 |2. 0 |$732 |$674 | |Twix |Mars Inc |1. 8 |1. 9 |$598 |$655 | |Extra |Mars Inc |1. 8 |1. 8 |$598 |$610 | |Orbit |Mars Inc |1. 7 |1. |$561 |$549 | |Milky Way |Mars Inc |1. 6 |1. 6 |$516 |$539 | |Galaxy/Dove |Mars Inc |1. 6 |1. 5 |$523 |$504 | |Starburst |Mars Inc |1. 3 |1. 4 |$433 |$467 | |Godiva |Yildiz Holding AS |1. 1 |1. |$373 |$391 | |*2012 figures are projections. Source: Euromonitor Internationa | | | | | |Snickers Surging to Top of Global Candy Race | |Mars-Owned Candy Bar Set to Pass Sibling M&M's, Kraft's Trident in New Euromonitor Ranking | |By: E.J. Schultz Published: September 20, 2012 | |208share this page | |[pic][pic][pic][pic] | |There is a new candy kingpin. | |Snickers will pass M&M's as the top international confectionery brand by the end of the year, giving the 82-year-old candy bar a satisfying | |victory in the global chocolate wars, according to a projection by Euromonitor Intern ational. |Snickers is â€Å"definitely on target to surpass M&M's,† Lee Linthicum, Euromonitor's global head of food research, told Ad Age. He cited U. S. | |innovations and strong growth in emerging markets as factors in moving the candy bar from No. 3 to No. 1, also surpassing Trident. Going | |forward, the race for the top is now a sibling rivalry because Mars Inc. owns Snickers and M&M's, which are separated by a razor-thin | |margin. | |While a win for Mars, the rankings are a loss for Kraft Foods' Trident. The gum brand fell from second to third place as projected 2012 | |worldwide sales slipped to $3. 2 billion from $3. 35 billion in 2011. Kraft remains the global leader with 14. 7% share when all confectionery| |brands are totaled. But the food giant's share of the category fell from 14. 8% in 2011, while No. 2 Mars jumped to 14. 4% from 14. 1%, | |according to Euromonitor. | |The shift at the top was first reported by Candy & Snack Today, a publication by the Nationa l Confectioners Association. | |Among individual brands, the worldwide candy battle remains close and fragmented, with only a fraction of a share point separating the top | |10. |Snickers is expected to surge from $3. 29 billion in global sales last year to $3. 57 billion for 2012, capturing a 1. 8% share, according to | |Euromonitor projections. The brand, whose ad agency is BBDO, has been backed with major media investments in recent years, including Super | |Bowl spots featuring Betty White and Roseanne Barr, who have both stared in the ongoing â€Å"You're Not You When You're Hungry† campaign. | |But M's — which Mars featured in this year's Super Bowl spot– is not far behind, growing from $3. 38 billion to $3. 9 billion in global | |sales, according to Euromonitor projections. | |Mr. Linthicum attributed Snickers' climb to its strong performance in the U. S. , which accounts for a huge share of the global candy market. | |Domestically, the candy bar has aggr essively pushed a line extension called Snickers Peanut Butter Squared, which launched last year and | |features two square-shape bars that adds peanut butter to the familiar mix of peanuts, caramel, nougat and milk chocolate. | |Globally, the brand is benefiting from strong growth in Eastern Europe.In Russia, sales have doubled since 2007 to $300 million, partly as | |a result of distribution gains Mars has made by acquiring some ex-Soviet chocolate companies, he said. While that should also help M's, | |the bite-size candies face more competition in the region, where smaller candies are more established and familiar, Mr. Linthicum said. By | |contrast, candy bars like Snickers are more of a novelty, he said. | |In the U. S. , Hershey Co. ‘s Reese's is expected to remain the top brand, with a projected $2. 6 billion in sales capturing 7. % market share | |for 2012, according to Euromonitor, which uses a variety of sources to track all sales channels, from Walmart to vending m achines. M&M's, | |which is also handled by BBDO, is projected to hold onto the No. 2 slot stateside with 6. 8% share, followed by Snicker's (6%) and Hershey's | |Kit Kat (2. 8%). | |Still, Reese's remains stuck in fourth place globally with 1. 4% share, according to Euromonitor projections. The reasons are twofold: | |Hershey has less of a global footprint than Mars, Mr. Linthicum said. Also, peanut butter is not as popular in Europe as it is in the | |States.It is a â€Å"very uniquely American thing,† he said. â€Å"That sweet-savory juxtaposition of flavors is something of an acquired taste. † | |Mr. Linthicum pinned Trident's struggles on stiff competition from Wrigley 5, the Mars-owned brand that launched in the states in 2007 with | |slick packaging, innovative flavors and a highly produced ad campaign by Energy BBDO called â€Å"Stimulate Your Senses. † | |The flashy appeal has resonated globally. â€Å"It's even gaining share in Greece of all places,â €  Mr. Linthicum said. â€Å"Everywhere they release it| |around the world †¦ it's worked. † In the U.S. , Wrigley 5 is now the 4th-largest gum brand with a 7. 43% share, according to SymphonyIRI, | |which excludes Walmart. | |Kraft, which on Oct. 1 will split off its candy and snacking business into a company called Mondelez International, is fighting back with | |its first global ad campaign for Trident by Saatchi & Saatchi that is more emotional than previous efforts, which had touted functional | |benefits such as oral health and vitamins. Meanwhile, in the States Kraft recently rolled out â€Å"ID Gum by Stride,† featuring artsy packaging | |and a gimmick-filled campaign by Droga5. |

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Francis Nurse and Giles Essays

Francis Nurse and Giles Essays Francis Nurse and Giles Essay Francis Nurse and Giles Essay By this quote Hathorne wants the two men (Francis Nurse and Giles) arrested for contempt of court and this subsequently makes Danforth begin to listen to them. I personally think Danforth does this to remind the audience and other cast members just how important he is. While this is going on Mary Warren who had not been in court that week, claiming she was sick. Giles Corey says that she has been strivin with the souls all week. And that she has come to the court to day to tell the truth There is drama created by the contrast in scenes individual freedom -a scene of high emotion and tension followed by a slow paced romantic scene. These scenes are called juxtaposed; this can be seen throughout the play. The tension is increased when the characters reveal to the audience the plot and the action taken off stage. Throughout the play we get learn that John still feels that he has the right to admonish Abigail It is strange work for a Christian girl to hang old woman The language above is deliberately made to stand out because of the syntax; this is also shown here she near to choked us all in the case just seen it should be she nearly choked us all. The cadence shown in the language relates t o a biblical theme such as James in the bible. : Miller used the actual script from court transcripts that were created by the people of the time. Characters are revealed through speech as well as facial expressions and mainly from body language. The audience and reader have the added advantage of being able to read through Millers notes but this doesnt tell the whole story as you judge the person yourself within seconds of being introduced to them. A way of understanding this is to focus upon the main characters in the play who are as follows Parris ,Abigail and Elizabeth. The all have individual characteristics and ways of appealing to the audience. During the play Parris he uses a lot of pronouns such as I and me this reveals that Parris is a pompous, vain man and that he is extremely selfish in his approach to life in general. Abigail has a passionate nature that is revealed in her utterances, this to the girls and to her wannabe lover John but the most strange is Elizabeth who has an ability to control her feelings but this makes the girl seem old and unloving. This is shown in the quote Would freeze beer Although a deeply religious protestant community they did not as a group of people practise forgiveness and Christian charity. This led to a culture of blame which made it easy for people to reject criticism of them and to push the blame for events on to others. Miller uses these people as a parallel to events in America in the 1950s when the McCarthy witch hunts condemned people as communists, the new Devil.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on The Right To Die

Euthanasia The controversy of euthanasia has been debated for years. Is it immoral or just a way to help a person suffering? Both sides of this argument make good points, which make it even harder for one to decide. In the end, it is currently illegal in the states, but maybe this law should be changed. In â€Å"Euthanasia – A Critique† published June 20, 1990, Peter A. Singer and Mark Siegler argue against two of the main basis for euthanasia: relief of suffering and individual rights. Their reasoning against relief of suffering is that they feel a patient can be put out of pain without death. They feel with better pain management patients won’t feel this way. They also dispute that the fear of dying is tied into this. For this cause, the writers state that a person can opt to not be put on life saving devices allowing them to pass, without relying on euthanasia. As far as individual rights are concerned the people behind this article state that â€Å"(the right to die) must be balanced against the legal, political, and religious prohibitions against killing that have always existed in society generally and in medicine particularly† (Singer/Siegler 334). On the other hand, in â€Å"In Defense of Voluntary Euthanasia† published in 1987, the writer, Sidney Hook, is for euthanasia for two main reasons. First, because he went through an ordeal where he asked to be allowed to die and he was denied that right. Now, even though he has recovered a lot, he still feels he’s gone through more than enough, and wishes he could just pass away. His second reason is because he doesn’t want his family to have to go through seeing him in a stage where he can’t function properly. He feels that he has â€Å"lived a full and relatively happy life, I would cheerfully accept the chance to be reborn, but certainly not to be reborn again as an infirm octogenarian. To some extent, my views reflect what I have seen happen to the aged and stricken who... Free Essays on The Right To Die Free Essays on The Right To Die Euthanasia The controversy of euthanasia has been debated for years. Is it immoral or just a way to help a person suffering? Both sides of this argument make good points, which make it even harder for one to decide. In the end, it is currently illegal in the states, but maybe this law should be changed. In â€Å"Euthanasia – A Critique† published June 20, 1990, Peter A. Singer and Mark Siegler argue against two of the main basis for euthanasia: relief of suffering and individual rights. Their reasoning against relief of suffering is that they feel a patient can be put out of pain without death. They feel with better pain management patients won’t feel this way. They also dispute that the fear of dying is tied into this. For this cause, the writers state that a person can opt to not be put on life saving devices allowing them to pass, without relying on euthanasia. As far as individual rights are concerned the people behind this article state that â€Å"(the right to die) must be balanced against the legal, political, and religious prohibitions against killing that have always existed in society generally and in medicine particularly† (Singer/Siegler 334). On the other hand, in â€Å"In Defense of Voluntary Euthanasia† published in 1987, the writer, Sidney Hook, is for euthanasia for two main reasons. First, because he went through an ordeal where he asked to be allowed to die and he was denied that right. Now, even though he has recovered a lot, he still feels he’s gone through more than enough, and wishes he could just pass away. His second reason is because he doesn’t want his family to have to go through seeing him in a stage where he can’t function properly. He feels that he has â€Å"lived a full and relatively happy life, I would cheerfully accept the chance to be reborn, but certainly not to be reborn again as an infirm octogenarian. To some extent, my views reflect what I have seen happen to the aged and stricken who...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Biggest Mistake Youre Making at Work -The JobNetwork

The Biggest Mistake Youre Making at Work -The JobNetwork Jenny Blake, a former career coach at Google says: â€Å"Being stuck in one place for too long is not going to work.† In her new book Pivot, she goes on to describe what, in her view, is the biggest mistake people make in their careers. Namely, â€Å"Taking action based on fear or ‘shoulds’.†If you feel like you are stuck in an unfulfilling job or situation, afraid to change your situation for fear of it being the wrong decision, plagued by the â€Å"what ifs,† then Blake’s book might be an important read for you.In the meantime, here are 10  ways you could overcome your fear of change and make it work for you.1. Gather your courage.In order to turn an opportunity into an outcome, you’ll have to have the courage to try. Start shoring yours up.2. Embrace fear.Fear is totally normal, and almost impossible to get rid of entirely. We can’t get rid of it, but we can change our relationship to it by changing how we react when we†™re afraid.3.  Harness anxiety.Sometimes your anxiety is a very effective radar system helping you tell the good opportunities from the riskier ones. If you can dial down your panic a bit to listen to what your intuition is telling you, you can start to use your anxiety as a tool for helping you embrace the best change possible, rather than hiding from all change.4. Embrace failureJust like fear, failure can be a productive and useful tool. Next time you fail, try to figure out the lessons you can learn and move on. You won’t fail at the same thing twice!5. Be flexible.Learn how to improvise. You don’t want to be the person who makes inflexible plans and then is unable to think fast on your feet.6. Gamble a little.Sometimes it’s a numbers game, or a matter of odds. Make a bunch of small bets on yourself and eventually your minor wins will add up to something major.7. Don’t fear experimentation.You mustn’t be afraid of trying new things. If you experiment often and continue trying new ways to succeed, you’ll get there a lot faster.8. Choose your battles.You can’t win all the time. Pick the battles that mean the most to you, press for the things that matter, and retreat when it’s not worth your energy to fight.9. Always keep on moving.Make sure you keep moving forward, no matter what. Getting stuck is worse than stumbling a little on the path to success.10.  Don’t be a slacker.The best way to not be left in the dust- or better, to find your best path to where you want to be- is to keep up with your industry and your business. Stay on the cutting edge, where you have the best chance of pivoting.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Descriptivism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Descriptivism - Essay Example Seriously, this is just too much and makes communication in any language unenjoyably at all. However, descriptivism is making this better by allowing users of the language to apply it in a context that fits them. For instance, courts, restaurants, interviews, and parties among others settings have a different way of communicating information, expressing feeling, or giving advice. Therefore, descriptivism conforms to the reality of changing times, generations, and endorse the fact that understanding each other using whichever language is the most important thing. The issue of native and nonnatives is a discriminative in nature in the world where globalization is taking root. The reality of globalization is making interaction between people from different regions of the world unavoidable. During interactions between people either for political, social, and economic purposes; the only way to achieve the objective of such cause is via use of a language comprehend by parties involved. Whi le this happens, the parties involved use either an exotic language or one that is native to one of them, or both. In this light, the most important thing is the sympathetic of each other using whichever appropriate language (Kachru Yamuna, and Cecil 703). Remarkably, descriptivism facilitates this since it does not bar nonnatives of a language from the benefits of globalization. Descriptivism dismisses the need to learn a language using formal setting such as classroom or by reading publication on the grammar of the language (Kachru Yamuna, and Cecil 711).

Discussion and self reflection assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Discussion and self reflection assignment - Essay Example Nurses are always a in a position to put forward path breaking views on existing medical system all over the world. A new vision gets easily translated into a reality, if there is sufficient passion to support it all through its phases of conception, growth and manifestation. As a nurse, I would like to remain truthful to myself as much as possible in whatever I do. One can be truly professional only if there is no disparity between one’s goals and what one truly likes do in order to reach that goal. As far as I am concerned, it is always a pleasure to get involved in team work, share my knowledge with others, learn from others and take important, informed decisions as an individual whenever necessary. I have often felt that decision making is possible only when we are not mentally and physically distanced from the issues at hand. The more we could get involved in something, the easier it becomes to take good decisions. What guides one’s decisions is the innate sense of values that is part of one’s self. Therefore, I would always attempt retrospective introspections in situations where I am required to be in a leadership position. The best thing to make this process take place smoothly and effectively is to ask myself constantly whet her I can remain true to myself and my values while indulged in passionate work related to nursing. For me the most important step towards leadership is â€Å"to be true to myself and my values†. A vision, which is an integral part in leadership, comes from true passion and conviction. Therefore, if I am sure that I am doing what I am passionate about, there can be nothing to stop me. A lot of self-confidence and energy can come out of doing what we believe in. It is possible to gradually inculcate values related to one’s career. I watched a video recently. It was on enabling people, and I was really impressed by its depiction of a leader who was very energetic. He was able to motivate the crowd instantaneously. He spoke of

Friday, October 18, 2019

TheGreat Depression Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

TheGreat Depression - Term Paper Example Many banks and businesses went under as a result, and this instigated the fall in the economy potential, as there was reduced spending, low demand, low production and high unemployment accordingly.2 Even though, the great depression had its origins in America, all the European nations were greatly hit as they were heavily relying on the US for financial loans; the US had emerged as a great credit in the post world war one period. The complex financial relationship between the European economies and the US was inevitably the reason why the great depression could not be contained in the US, but later spread to the rest of the European nations. Nations were thrown into panic mode, most of them adopting restrictive measures, especially concerning foreign trade as mitigation to salvage their local industries.3 Discussions on the great discussion have yielded important information on the delicate financial market relationships, and this is a key area of concern especially in the view of co ntemporary global economic ties. This topic is relevant to global economies as it provides vital lessons that could help mitigate the risks of a future global financial slump.4 This paper will focus on various aspects of the great depression including, but limited to its causes, its effects in America, and the rest of European economies that were hugely indebted to the US at the time. In as much as the great depression was sparked by the great slouch in the New York stock market prices, there were other underlying factors that have been attributed to it. These factors are specifically weaknesses and imbalances that existed in the American financial system, but they had long been ignored due to the rapid economic growth, and the resultant speculative optimism. The onset of the great depression revealed the faulty premises of the American financial system, and its failure of America’s political and financial institutions to manage the economy. Concerning the causes of the great depression, five factors have been top on the list,  the fall in stock Market prices, failure of the banking system, a decline in the purchasing power, the American- Europe economic ties, and famine.5 Prior to fall in stock prices, banks had been lending out large sums of money to businesses and investors, even way beyond their capabilities; this gave rise to debt deflation. After the crash in prices, great losses were incurred by stock investors as the value of stocks had gone down drastically i.e. stocks lost over 90% of their value, and stockholders incurred losses amounting to over 40 billion dollars. Many banks could not recover their loans as many debtors defaulted in payments, and as a result, many people withdrew their deposits. Rapid measures of self-preservation were taken by the surviving banks and this included cutting down on loans, a desperate move that resulted to further limitations to the economy. Bank's restrictive measures  to limit lending, coupled by loss o f jobs and the resultant unemployment led to harsh times in the history of the US economy; there was low output and low demand of products and as such, many businesses suffered insolvency. About 11,000 banking institutions had collapsed by the year 1933, as they could not