Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Francis Nurse and Giles Essays

Francis Nurse and Giles Essays Francis Nurse and Giles Essay Francis Nurse and Giles Essay By this quote Hathorne wants the two men (Francis Nurse and Giles) arrested for contempt of court and this subsequently makes Danforth begin to listen to them. I personally think Danforth does this to remind the audience and other cast members just how important he is. While this is going on Mary Warren who had not been in court that week, claiming she was sick. Giles Corey says that she has been strivin with the souls all week. And that she has come to the court to day to tell the truth There is drama created by the contrast in scenes individual freedom -a scene of high emotion and tension followed by a slow paced romantic scene. These scenes are called juxtaposed; this can be seen throughout the play. The tension is increased when the characters reveal to the audience the plot and the action taken off stage. Throughout the play we get learn that John still feels that he has the right to admonish Abigail It is strange work for a Christian girl to hang old woman The language above is deliberately made to stand out because of the syntax; this is also shown here she near to choked us all in the case just seen it should be she nearly choked us all. The cadence shown in the language relates t o a biblical theme such as James in the bible. : Miller used the actual script from court transcripts that were created by the people of the time. Characters are revealed through speech as well as facial expressions and mainly from body language. The audience and reader have the added advantage of being able to read through Millers notes but this doesnt tell the whole story as you judge the person yourself within seconds of being introduced to them. A way of understanding this is to focus upon the main characters in the play who are as follows Parris ,Abigail and Elizabeth. The all have individual characteristics and ways of appealing to the audience. During the play Parris he uses a lot of pronouns such as I and me this reveals that Parris is a pompous, vain man and that he is extremely selfish in his approach to life in general. Abigail has a passionate nature that is revealed in her utterances, this to the girls and to her wannabe lover John but the most strange is Elizabeth who has an ability to control her feelings but this makes the girl seem old and unloving. This is shown in the quote Would freeze beer Although a deeply religious protestant community they did not as a group of people practise forgiveness and Christian charity. This led to a culture of blame which made it easy for people to reject criticism of them and to push the blame for events on to others. Miller uses these people as a parallel to events in America in the 1950s when the McCarthy witch hunts condemned people as communists, the new Devil.

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