Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Should Smoking Tobacco Be Banned - 1875 Words

Topic: Smoking tobacco in cars General Purpose: To argue Specific Purpose: To argue that the state of Idaho should make smoking tobacco in cars while children are present illegal. Central Idea: Smoking tobacco in cars while children are inside the vehicle should be illegal in the state of Idaho because: (1) exposure to secondhand smoke is harmful to the health of children; (2) the intensity of exposure to second-hand smoke in vehicles is much more harmful; and (3) the child or children in the car are innocent and cannot defend themselves. Introduction I. [Attention Getter] Visualize that you are driving to work, to school or someplace and you see someone who is in the car next to you smoking. A. It is possible that you might not†¦show more content†¦a. A small amount of the states in the U.S.A. have prohibited smoking in vehicles while children are present. b. For example, states like Virginia, Vermont, Utah, Oregon, Main, California, Louisiana, and Arkansas have prohibited smoking in vehicles with minors (Smoke-free Cars). c. Another example is that in the state of Idaho, it is prohibited to smoke in restaurants, on public school grounds, and near health facilities (State Tobacco Cessation Coverage). 1. If Idaho and other states have passed the law that it is illegal to smoke in certain public places, then they should also pass the law of smoking tobacco in cars with minors. b. It should be prohibited because those children are innocent and do not deserve to have health complications caused by second-hand smoke. III. [Credibility Statement] As someone who is going into health care, although it is in dental hygiene this does not mean that I do not care for the health of others. A. Especially the health of those who are innocent and cannot defend themselves. B. Due to my interest in health care, I have taken my time to do my best in getting as much information that will back up my argument so that I may speak up for those who cannot defend themselves verbally. IV. [Preview/Thesis] Smoking tobacco in cars while children are inside the vehicleShow MoreRelatedShould Smoking Tobacco Be Banned?847 Words   |  4 PagesUniversity president MacDavis from a 2015 Ohio University â€Å"We will join more than 1,000 campuses nationwide who ban the use of tobacco on their campuses,†(Lee). And in order to make the campus area healthy and encourage the smoker’s to quit smoking, Ohio University decides to ban the smoking on any campus property. Beside of that, the University campus will follow Smoke and Tobacco-Free Initiative policy in August 2015. Therefore, the policy will impose by using a community model†. 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