Friday, January 3, 2020

Answers - 1131 Words

READING RESPONSES Explain clearly and completely what makes it so difficult to prove that the external world exists. Why cant the senses be fully trusted? (There are multiple reasons Nagel cites as to why the senses may not be trustworthy – discuss them all.) It’s hard to prove that a physical world exists, because you can only rely on your experiences. Everything that we might have encounter in life, might have been a part of our minds. We could be in a dream state right now. If we try to prove it, your mind would compensate for the senses you tried to use. You can’t always trust your senses, because they can always be faulty at times. For an example when your sick everything might taste off. However, to someone that is healthy the†¦show more content†¦God seems to be truly mental/spiritual and every other thing expect for humans are material/physical. So how come we, humans, are the exception are composed of both entities? Nagel describes a case where a man eats a chocolate bar while a surgeon examines his brain. What can the surgeon see? What can’t the surgeon see? What are the implications of this for the mind-body problem? While you are eating the chocolate bar the surgeon can only see your brain. He can not see the experience that you are having. This include taste, texture, and your feelings towards it. He is completely locked out of your mind. With this example it points out, that your mind and body are two separate things altogether; this favors the dualism concept. Explain dualism as it relates to the mind-body problem. Dualism is the concept that the mind (soul) and body are two separate entities. Both of the entities can influence each other. Even though your mind maybe processing experiences, feeling, thoughts, and etc, these are not physical actions. This proves that your brain isn’t just a physical item. To have a body and be able to tell it what to do you must have a state of consciousness. With the mind-body problem thrown in this does not help with the mental aspect not being physical at all. Explain physicalism (or materialism) as it relates to the mind-body problem. With physicalism every single part of our body is physical. Physicalism is a concept thatShow MoreRelatedCorrect Answer3886 Words   |  16 Pagesear. Answer Selected Answer: True Correct Answer: False . Question 2 .0 out of 1 points To keep Church officials happy, Veronese decided to repaint his entire artwork depicting Christ feasting with disciples and members of the Venetian elite. Answer Selected Answer: True Correct Answer: False . Question 3 .0 out of 1 points Auguste Rodin was told by a government official that he should put clothes on his overly sexualized figures in The Kiss. 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